Posts Tagged ‘tyranny’


Ron Paul Calls National Defense Authorization Act “Slip Into Tyranny”

“A dictator enjoys unrestrained power over the people. The legislative and judicial branches voluntarily cede this power or it’s taken by force. Most of the time, it’s given up easily, out of fear in time of war and civil disturbances, and with support from the people, although the dictator will also accumulate more power with the use of force.” Those prescient words of Republican presidential candidate Congressman Ron Paul (R-Texas) are taken from his book Liberty Defined: 50 Essential Issues That Affect Our Freedom. The tyrannical assumption of power by the President and the cession of unheralded power to him by the Congress has taken place precisely as Dr. Paul warned.

The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) is an unprecedented, unconstitutional, and unchecked grant of dictatorial power to the President in the name of protecting the security of “the homeland.” Ron Paul described the bill (soon to be signed into law by the President) as a “slip into tyranny,” one that will almost certainly accelerate “our descent into totalitarianism.”
What of the NDAA? Are there indeed provisions contained therein that so ferociously tear at the constitutional fabric of our Republic?
In a word — yes.
This liberty-extinguishing legislation converts America into a war zone and turns Americans into potential suspected terrorists, complete with the full roster of rights typically afforded to terrorists — none.
A key component of this reconciled bill mandates a frightening grant of immense and unconstitutional power to the executive branch. Under the provisions of Section 1021, the President is afforded the absolute power to arrest and detain citizens of the United States without their being informed of any criminal charges, without a trial on the merits of those charges, and without a scintilla of the due process safeguards protected by the Constitution of the United States.
Further, in order to execute the provisions of Section 1021 described in the previous paragraph, subsequent clauses (Section 1022, for example) unlawfully give the President the absolute and unquestionable authority to deploy the armed forces of the United States to apprehend and to indefinitely detain those suspected of threatening the security of the “homeland.” In the language of this legislation, these people are called “covered persons.”
The universe of potential “covered persons” includes every citizen of the United States of America. Any American could one day find himself or herself branded a “belligerent” and thus subject to the complete confiscation of his or her constitutional civil liberties and nearly never-ending incarceration in a military prison.
In his assessment of the danger inherent in such acts, Paul is in good company. This suspension of habeas corpus, a right central to Anglo-American freedom from despotism for over 500 years, was described by Alexander Hamilton as one of “the favorite and most formidable instruments of tyranny.”
Congressman Paul eloquently expressed his assessment of such an assault on liberty:
The president’s widely expanded view of his own authority to detain Americans indefinitely even on American soil is for the first time in this legislation codified in law. That should chill all of us to our cores.
As reported by The Hill, in a phone message to supporters, Paul cited the Founders and their intent to bequeath to their descendants a government fettered in such a way as to threaten as little as possible man’s innate freedom:
The founders wanted to set a high bar for the government to overcome in order to deprive an individual of life or liberty. To lower that bar is to endanger everyone. When the bar is low enough to include political enemies, our descent into totalitarianism is virtually assured. The Patriot Act, as bad as its violation against the Fourth Amendment was, was just one step down the slippery slope. The recently passed National Defense Authorization Act continues that slip into tyranny, and in fact, accelerates it significantly.
Adding insult to injury, Congress has stuffed the bill full of funding for illegal and unconstitutional foreign wars so that the American people will pay over $670 billion dollars for the privilege of being deprived of their God-given rights and for the building of the American empire.
This appalling story doesn’t end there, however. The NDAA’s rap sheet of crimes against the Constitution is long. As Congressman Paul explained:
The Fifth Amendment is about much more than the right to remain silent in the face of government questioning. It contains very basic and very critical stipulations about the due process of law. The government cannot imprison a person for no reason and with no evidence presented and without access to legal counsel. The danger of the NDAA is its alarmingly vague, undefined criteria for who can be indefinitely detained by the U.S. government without trial.
While all the foregoing is harrowing and enough to make any reasonable man fear for the future of this Republic, there is another aspect of the law that is perhaps more frightening still. That is the vagueness of the terms. Terms so ill-defined are ripe for the wresting and within the penumbras of these provisions could be found lurking the tools of tyranny. Wrenches that could force anyone into a predetermined “terrorist” hole.
Ron Paul sets forth the source of such chilling concern as contained in the NDAA:
It is no longer limited to members of al Qaeda or the Taliban, but anyone accused of substantially supporting such groups or associated forces. How closely associated, and what constitutes substantial support? What if it was discovered that someone who committed a terrorist act was once involved with a charity? Or suppose a political candidate? Are all donors of that candidate or supporters of that candidate now suspects and subject to indefinite detainment? Is that charity now an associated force?
Despite the bipartisan and bicameral support for the defense budget bill, President Obama originally vowed to veto the measure over his disagreement with the delegation of power over the cases of detainees.
He has since withdrawn his objection and has signaled his intent to sign the bill into law.
The crux of the White House’s opposition to the NDAA was President Obama’s desire that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) should have plenary power over the disposition of issues related to the custody and prosecution of all terror suspects detained domestically.
The Obama administration insisted that cutting out the FBI would reduce the overall effectiveness of investigations, as well as hamstring the efforts of intelligence officers from gathering reliable intelligence from those believed to be fighting against the United States in Afghanistan or Iraq.
Specifically, the White House promised to veto the legislation if it “challenges or constrains the President’s critical authorities to collect intelligence, incapacitate dangerous terrorists, [or] protect the nation.”
Such swords disguised as shields are reminiscent of the words of James Madison. The Father of the Constitution warned, “The means of defense against foreign danger historically have become instruments of tyranny at home.”
Again, Ron Paul finds himself in the company of the Founders. In his closing remarks, Congressman Paul cited very succinctly the indictment that should be handed down by the American people against the NDAA:
The Bill of Rights has no exceptions for really bad people or terrorists or even non-citizens. It is a key check on government power against any person. That is not a weakness in our legal system; it is the very strength of our legal system. The NDAA attempts to justify abridging the Bill of Rights on the theory that rights are suspended in a time of war, and the entire United States is a battlefield in the war on terror. This is a very dangerous development, indeed. Beware.

Lord, I speak to you today, to ask you for help. We live in a world where evil is gaining more and more control, faster than ever. As you know, they come in disguise. They claim to be protecting us, when they are the ones we need protection from. They deceive the public on national television into thinking that its ok for TSA officials to grope men, women, and children to keep them safe. Young children are being taught that it’s ok for government officials to put their hands on them, to keep them safe from terrorists. This concerns me the most. I am saddened to see videos of children being groped, all in the name of safety. It is absolutely horrible. Too many parents out there have no natural instinct to protect their children from these strangers in TSA uniforms. Just because they are government workers doesn’t make them any different from a stranger walking through a parking lot. It’s sexual assault anyway you look at it. Think of how many TSA officials are pedophiles or perverts. It’s the only job I know of to where you have permission to put your hands on a stranger in what should be inappropriate areas. Even if you are extremely scared that a terrorist would blow up a plane, you can’t stoop to the level of allowing government officials to grope men, women, and especially children. Lord, give these people the strength they are lacking to stand up and say no to these procedures. Yes, there are a few we see on TV, but we need EVERYONE, or at least a lot more to stand up for themselves, and for their children. Say no to the groping, and no to the naked body scanners. Lord, please help them, for they are unwilling to take that step, a step any normal human being should take.

To most of you, you can see that the words “guilty” and “innocent” have been flipped. This is the New America. A nation that was once innocent until proven guilty, and now guilty until proven innocent. Whether you believe the terror threats to our nation are real or not, you can’t deny that we are being abused. We can all see it at the airports right now with Naked Body Scanners taking naked pictures of us to prove to authorities that we are innocent flyers without a bomb strapped to our underpants. If you opt-out of that, you have to go through a very invasive pat down that includes grabbing your genitiles and / or breasts, and even authorities putting their hands DOWN your pants if you are wearing baggy clothing. This is to prove to authorities that you are innocent and not carrying a bomb. The worst part of all of this is that children are put through these scanners and pat-downs. How do you think that affects them psychologically? It can’t be good. My heart goes out to them. If you think you can avoid the scanners and pat-downs by not flying, think again. These machines will soon be, and already are in some cities, at bus terminals, train stations, subways, courthouses, malls, sporting events, and concerts. You might be thinking that you can still drive your car without harassment, right? Nope. 500 Z Backscatter Vans, also known as ZBVs, have already been deployed in the United States and foreign governments. These vans can scan through your car and even your house. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to realize the amount of radiation being used in these vans not to mention the complete breach of the 4th Amendment for search and seizure.

This is 3 clips, totaling the whole hour episode of the TV show on TruTV “Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura.”

Part 1 of 3

Part 2 of 3

Part 3 of 3

I am sick and tired of the media brainwashing their viewers to think that TSA officials grabbing your balls is ok! I mean come on people, THEY ARE GRABBING YOUR GENITILES!! What part of that phrase do you not understand!? A stranger is putting their hands down your pants and feeling you up! I guess you have no shame since you dont have any balls to stand up and say NO! Why on earth would you be ok with this? Just because someone had a bomb in their pants doesn’t mean we should give up our dignity to naked body scanners and invasive pat downs. If someone had a bomb up their rectum, and the government said we needed to do a rectal exam, would you go along with that too? Since when do we put up with every idea to ensure safety? Has it gone too far? Children are being fondled by strangers! Why isn’t EVERYONE outraged at this!? Is everyone scarred of another Christmas day bomber?

The Christmas Day Bomber on Flight 253

Witnesses Kurt Haskell and his wife Laurie, say the Christmas day bomber, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, was helped on to the plane without a passport, by a sharp dressed, Indian man. The bomber, described as a “poorish” looking black Nigerian teenager, was accompanied with an older, wealthy looking Indian man who looked to be in his 50s. This older, sharp dressed man did all the talking because Umar was described as “looking like he was in a trance.” To them, the odd couple stood out like a sore thumb. As the two approached the gate attendant, the Indian man spoke and said that “Umar needs to get on the plane, but he does not have a passport.” The gate attendant said that he needed a passport to get on the plane. The Indian man replied that “Umar is from Sudan, and that we do this all the time.” The gate attendant then said that they would need to speak to her manager, and she directed them down a hallway.

Haskell says that was the last he and his wife saw the Indian man, and later recognized Umar after the incident on the plane.  He put two and two together after that. His wife Laurie said it was odd that authorities had not interviewed them being that they were the only ones to have witnessed the talk with the gate attendant.

Richelle Keepman, another witness, said there was a cameraman on the plane who stood up before anyone else did intently video taping the whole incident. Very mysterious.

The media wants you to believe that Umar brought a bomb on the plane hidden in his underpants, and that he trained in Yemen. Sounds good right? Think of it this way. Governments have agendas. They need reasons to implement their agendas. They wanted naked body scanners in airports to get a biometric scan of everyone. All a part of their agenda. Their agenda is a much bigger story, World Government, that i’ll get into in another blog.

So you see, you have to reverse engineer what government does. Question everything and don’t believe everything you see. The mainstream media is the 4th branch of government, the suppressor of the truth. They are the White House Press Team. They tell you what the government wants you to hear.

The cargo bombs, out of Yemen, are the same deal. False Flag Terror. Stage an event and blame it on your supposed enemy. Its the oldest trick in the book.

Right now Americans are being led through the airports like cattle, doing whatever authorities tell them, all in the name of keeping you safe. Do you realize that almost every other country in the world do not have naked body scanners and do not perform the invasive pat downs? I don’t see any terrorists blowing up their planes, do you? It’s time to stand up and say NO, NO, NO!!!

Read more here:

Great speeches from Ron Paul

It’s in the early stages, but I believe it has begun. The security at the airports has gone too far. TSA officials using Naked Body Scanners and “enhanced” pat-downs has angered the American people. The government using naked body scanners, which sees right through your clothes, giving the TSA official a view of you naked is absurd. I have to add that they are also storing these images on their hardrives. As of now, you can opt-out of the naked body scanner and receive a pat-down. This pat-down is not your typical pat-down. In involves grabbing women’s breasts, and the genitiles of men and women. All in the name of keeping us safe. Gee…  I thought the naked body scan was bad, but this pat-down is down right wrong. Oh, and they’re not just grabbing you outside your clothes. No. They are sticking their hands inside your clothes, down your pants if your clothes are baggy. Talk about invasive. “All in the name of keeping you safe.” This is a phrase I’ve come to hate. It is the government’s reasoning behind their “safety” guidelines. Benjamin Franklin once said, “They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.”

We are at bay to our tyrannical government if we put up with these “safety” guidelines. There comes a point where you have to draw the line and say, no, enough is enough. We have come to that point. Americans are starting to stand up to defend their personal space. We are realizing that we do have power when we stand together.  Steve Wagstaffe, currently Chief Deputy District Attorney, soon to be District Attorney of San Mateo County, California is one of the first to announce his county will be prosecuting inappropriate touching during pat-downs at the San Francisco International Airport. Also today, the District Attorney of Santa Clara County, California announced they would be prosecuting inappropriate touching also at San Jose International Airport. Sanford Airport, in Central Florida, has gone even further announcing that they will hire their own security, opting out of the TSA screenings all together.

TSA officials are not above the law. Anyone who isn’t a TSA official would go to jail for taking naked pictures and / or groping people. I hope everyone starts to stand up and say no to these ridiculous safety measures. There are other ways to secure an airport that doesn’t involve groping Americans.


Listen to this speech from Ron Paul. I love him because he tells it like it is.


Steve Wagstaffe on the Alex Jones Show announcing that his county will be prosecuting inappropriate touching.

The first thing that comes to mind about this subject is, why do people put up with this? Why do we let TSA workers see naked images of us, save them, and then perform the enhanced pat-down which involves grabbing womens’ breasts and squeezing men and womens’ genitals? Why? This is downright ridiculous! Countries around the world refuse these. Now it’s our turn (Americans) to refuse it. People are starting to wake up. It doesn’t matter if you’re 6 months old, or 90 years old. TSA workers will be grabbing your private areas. This is molestation. If anyone outside of the airport were to do this, they would go to jail. Men (TSA workers) are putting their hands on children. Do we feel any safer now that TSA workers are grabbing our 5 year old’s genitles? NO. This is digusting and just flat out wrong. This is not to protect you from Al-Qaeda. It’s to condition you to let the corrupt government do what they want. They bring it on slow hoping you won’t object, and if you don’t, more tyranny will come. They are seeing what they can get away with now and gauging what they’ll implement next. Do you think Hitler’s tyranny happened over night? No. Just like we are seeing here in America today, tyranny is brought on slowly. We have to say no. We cannot let this go on any longer. We are home of the brave, and we need to prove it. We need to stand up to the federal government and say NO, NO, NO, NO!! On top of the molestation, the naked body scanners put off radiation that can cause cancer. Frequent passengers and especially the TSA workers will most likely get some kind of cancer years down the road by repeated exposure to the radiation. The radiation exposure is 20 times higher than previously estimated.

Don’t think that all of this will stop at the airports. Oh no. Authorities want these in courthouses, sporting events, malls, and even public schools. They are already in some courthouses and public schools.

This is certainly not freedom. As Benjamin Franklin said, “They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.” Think about this, would you rather give up freedom and degrade yourself for quote safety, or would you rather live in freedom and let the hand of God decide your fate?

A society can be anything from freedom, liberty, bright blue skies, to a deep, dark, Nazi like despotic society from hell. What happens in some cases is that while people are living in freedom, liberty, bright blue skies, they forget about the gates of hell and ignorantly fall back into it. This has happened to societies over time for centuries. When oblivious to a creeping, tyrannical government / power, the world of freedom starts to slowly change from good to bad. This is always a slow process. If it happens too quick, people will wake up to the evil and stop it in it’s tracks. So the oppresive power will move slowly, implimenting their ideas and making them seem good, when in reality, they’re not. Thomas Jefferson said it best, “The amount of tyranny you get, is the exact amount you put up with.” You have to understand that the oppresive power will not stop until you stop them. They will keep going and going, making things worse and worse until you say no. So look around, we have naked body scanners, cameras on every street corner, peaceful protesters who get thrown in jail, kids’ lemonade stands getting shut down, 15 million dollar fines for garage sales, new taxes during a depression, endless / pointless wars, the list goes on and on. It’s time to stand up for freedom. Freedom is not something that is handed down, it is something you get when you fight back against tyranny. If and only when you fight back, will you regain freedom. That is the cycle. A society will always go from freedom, to a long, creeping, tyrannical power, and hopefully back to freedom when the people stand up and fight for it. In some cases like Mexico and China, to say the least, freedom is never restored. Will the United States follow that path, a path to complete tyranny, or will our great Americans stand up, face the fear, as did our founding fathers, and restore this great country back to where it should be.  A country home of the brave, land of the free.